Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Charity game at Endrupskolen

Although there hasn't been much blog-activity lately, there's been plenty of action at the Play31 head quarter!

Tomorrow, Thursday August 21st, we have arranged a "show match" to create awareness about our work and the problems children all over the world are facing. Starring in the match will be Nikolai Lie Kaas and some former Danish national team players. The Play31 team will play Endrupskolen's team for a 2 x 20 min. match.
There will be quite good media coverage on the match and we welcome you to stop by if you're in the vicinity!

Before I (Jakob) am returning to New York, I have a few meetings set up with some promising connections. It seems that the interest in play31 is continuing and I really, really hope that some of these connections will choose to throw some $$ at our little organization so the plans of a big tournament in Kailahun district in eastern Sierra Leone shall not remain but an intention but materialize into a world-changing sporting event..!

More on how the game and the meetings went soon and then to follow more on the tournament in Sierra Leone.

Thanks for stopping by,

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